
Our technical support and sales administration teams

Contact us

A question about your licences?

Contact our sales administration team directly via this form.

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A question about technical support?

Need information about your Stormshield products? To facilitate the processing of your technical support requests, please submit and track your requests through the incident manager located in the MyStormshield private area. To access it, select the menu "Technical support / Manage cases".

This tool is the entry point for reporting and tracking issues raised with the Stormshield TAC. An RMA that has already been authorized will be tracked by e-mail in your MyStormshield area under the menu "Exchange / Track an exchange".

You may also call the following number: +33 (0) 9 69 329 129. However, in order to provide the best possible service, we recommend using this mode of communication only to follow up on issues reported via MyStormshield beforehand.